Web Dot Calm Brand

Magic Mountain Alternate View Certainly web sites can cost thousands of dollars. That said, web sites do not need to cost that much money. Thus, as you consider your web ventures and potential, it will help to remember that.

We have accomplished some pretty darned nice, dare we say sophisticated, looks and functionality — all the while utilizing what we like to term a "modular" approach.

If you click on the boxes with numbers at the top of the page, you can change the color of the "eConomy" title. And if you hold your mouse over the picture at the top of this column, you can see the sun set a bit. Using template structures does not mean that you don't have room to make presentations your own.

London Bridge, Arizona - oddly enough More and more, a common question in web development regards "eCommerce" — or more simply, selling things on the web.

Today, many, many excellent (and economical) ways to do this exist. You no longer have to go out and spend literally tens of thousands of dollars to develop proprietary systems, and then employ expensive people to keep the operation running.

Beyond just building your own online store (which we can do of course) we can also guide you toward other alternatives for recouping actual dollars for your web efforts.

Various companies now have interesting alternatives aimed at this goal, and we'd be glad to help you set them up.

Gray Skies are Gonna Clear Up Every topic on this page could honestly fill entire chapters in a book. We're aiming here just to try and give you even a few more things to think about.

The concept of a "content management" system covers a diverse range of issues, but if you think about it from a more simplified approach, it may help keep perspective.

"How can we set this site up so I can update it myself after WebDotCalm finishes?"

From product and sales tracking for retail sites, to effectively using a blog setup as an informational tool in your web site, to message boards, press releases, and managing a mailing list, this area can also benefit from starting with a relatively inexpensive template.

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