Saturdays can be bizarre enough for computer geeks, but when they live near the beach, and it has been raining all day, well true oddness can emerge. For example, this is what happens on a rainy Saturday when your friend has a niece in grade school: You end up getting dragged into a “Flat Stanley” project. In case you do not happen to be familiar with this, basically an adorable young relative mails you a crayon-colored “Stanley” whereupon you get to travel all over town taking pictures of the paper creature in different locations. You then get to write up an account of Stanley’s travels, thereby essentially doing the kid’s homework for her. … Where was this racket when we were young, right?
Creating an image slider for sets with an odd number of pictures, and of both portrait and landscape orientation, can be tricky to do with any sort of elegance. We have built a few of them over the years, and … um … as a matter of explanation (if not altogether “excuse”), this would be one of those.
For the record, the former kindergarten teacher among us arbitrarily declared our captions “not suitable for a first grader” so she made up an alternate set of boring ones that she actually sent in with the project. Should we not be teaching our young the value of sarcasm and irony?